Monday, March 31, 2014

What I Have Learned - March Ed.

So what did I learn in March? alot.

1. ads above the fold work so much better then ads below the fold. moving one ad, led to a 200% revenue increase in 1 month.

2.affiliate programs are great. The problem is finding affiliates relevant to my topics that don't pay peanuts. Its one thing to link an amazon product in a post, but if i start running banner ads where I only get paid on a sale, the return better be higher then what I can get with Adsence in that space.

Sofar, I Have signed up with for its a good fit. Lets see how it does over the moth of april.

3. Reddit is a great traffic generator - but the content has to be top notch for it to generate traffic. I Tend to make alot of small posts on a regular basis. - these probably wouldn't do well because they add little to the general interest, though ae of great interest to my regular readership.

4. Why do I do Facebook? sure i have have 275 followers on my page, and the number keeps growing, but now Facebook wants every post to be promoted, so no one sees the content, plus Facebook hasen't let you link to rss feeds as they want original content. that I then have to pay facebook so that people who liked me get to see it. No thanks..

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